Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art
Warren Neidich
Journal of Neuroaesthetics
#1 Intro to Neuroaesthetic Theory
#2 Cinema and the Brain
#3 Buildings, Movies and Brains
#4 The Phantom Limb
#5 Conference of Neuroaesthetics
#6 Shifter 16: Pluripotential
Chaoid Gallery
Art and Telepathy
The Redistribution of the Sensible
Conceptual Art as Neurobiological Praxis
Saas-Fee Summer Institute of Art
Warren Neidich
Architecture of Mind
by davidemorello
Similarity and Coloration
by davidemorello
Alloaesthetics and Neuroaesthetics: Travels through Phenomenology and Neurophysiology
by davidemorello
The Social Brain
by Sarrita Hunn
Antonioni’s Blow Up And The Chiasmus Of Memory
by davidemorello
by davidemorello
De-ontologizing the Brain (from the fictional self to the social brain)
by Sarrita Hunn
Real Phantoms/Phantom Realities: On the Phenomenology of Bodily Imagination
by davidemorello
The Phantom Limb: Body and Language, Cultural Expression and Difference
by davidemorello
Dreams, Phantom Limbs and Virtual Reality: Challenges to the Singularity of Space?
by davidemorello