The Telepathic Table

16 Beaver Group created The Telepathic Table, a world event where telepathy and telekinesis overlap: “we are now telling people interested in art, politics and social change, that they don’t have to move from where they are.”1 Developed for May Day, the invitation did not require participants to travel the globe: “You don’t need to contact us before May 1st. Just do something with other people at a table, think telepathically, politically, artistically, and send us the results after it happens!” It invites table-tapping telekinesis to be different to Marx’s depiction of commodity fetishism as a table performance; The Telepathic Table is more based on social cohesion and celebration of labour as a movement instead of a fetishistic alienation of labour from the table object as commodity. Global telekinesis was attempted through creative-actions-at-a-distance. In the spirit of May Day, competition and occult forces of market and possession take a back seat to collaborative solidarity.


  1. Jo-Anne Green, The Telepathic Table, Networked Performance, cited December 10, 2013,